■ Thanks to the love of colleagues at home and abroad, at all levels of the competent departments with the strong support and help, the Tiangong Company has made significant economic and social benefits.Tiangonger willing to work with the broad masses of industry colleagues to create prosperity and create brilliant!

■ Talent is the most important resource of Heavenly Company, the purpose of cultivating human resources is to achieve the sustainable development of enterprises strategy. Tiangong companies use modern enterprise management and management methods, supplemented by scientific people of the management philosophy, thus forming a dedicated music group management mechanism, which is the day the company to open up the market's driving force.

■ "Love the earth, protect the environment, the benefit of mankind" is the paper and environmental protection equipment manufacturers as corporate citizens should be social responsibility, but also Heavenly Paper machinery enterprise culture profound connotation and extension of the embodiment. Day workers willing to work with the paper industry, the majority of customers seeking a total of new prosperity and development!

■ "The road is to open up, the cause needs to explore", the cause of environmental protection is the future generations of human beings, "long way to go," The workers of Tiangong will be excellent quality products and excellent service as a business relentless pursuit of the goal, On the vanguard.

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