The fourth industrial revolution came quietly


The Hannover Messe 2014 was held from April 7 to 11. More than 5,000 countries and regions in more than 5,000 exhibitors. China has the size of nearly 600 exhibitors to become the largest exhibitors outside Germany. During the five-day event, the "Industry 4.0" concept was a concern. Public opinion, as the industry's leading global exhibition, Hannover Industrial Fair to promote the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" played an important role. Exhibitors and visitors to the exhibition are highly praised.

German Federal Ministry of Science experts in the interview, said Boyle in an interview with this reporter said that in order to strengthen Germany as a technical and economic power of the core competitiveness, as early as 2006, the federal government adopted the "high-tech strategy 2020", the strategic document Is the "future project -" industry 4.0 ". The federal government has invested € 27 billion in high technology from 2010 to 2013 and $ 8.3 billion for future projects. In order to further implement the "Industrial 4.0" program, the recent three major German industrial associations - the German information technology, communications, new media associations, the German machinery and equipment manufacturing industry associations and the German Federation of Electrical and Electronics Industry (hereinafter referred to as "the three associations") Decided that the three associations jointly set up an office called "the fourth industrial revolution platform", the platform has been officially launched to promote the implementation of the federal government to develop high-tech strategy is not

"Industrial 4.0" has become the core issue at the Hanover Industrial Fair. In the next 10 to 15 years, the comprehensive integration of manufacturing will have a huge impact on the global industry, "said Kekele, head of the Hannover Fair. The fourth industrial revolution has come quietly.

Since the middle of the eighteenth century, there have been three industrial revolutions in the history of mankind, which originated in the Western and derivative countries and led by their innovations. The "steam era" (1760-1840), which created the first industrial revolution, marked the transition from farming to industrial civilization, a great miracle in the history of human development. The second industrial revolution entered the "electrical age" 1840 - 1950), the rise of heavy industry such as electricity, steel, railway, chemical industry and automobile, oil became new energy and promoted the rapid development of transportation. The third industrial revolution, which began after the Second World War, created the "Information Age" (1950-), where global information and resource exchange became more rapid and most countries and regions were involved In the process of globalization, the world political and economic pattern has been further established, and the degree of human civilization has reached an unprecedented level. The third information revolution is in the ascendant and spread and spread globally.

The first three industrial revolutions made human development into an era of unprecedented prosperity, at the same time, also caused a huge energy, resource consumption, paid a huge environmental costs, ecological costs, the rapid expansion of the contradiction between man and nature. In the 21st century, mankind faced an unprecedented global energy and resource crisis, the global ecological and environmental crisis, the global climate change crisis challenges, which triggered the fourth industrial revolution - the green industrial revolution, a series of production functions from the natural The characteristics of inputs into the characteristics of the green elements into the characteristics of the transition, and spread to the whole society.

21st century to start and innovate the fourth green industrial revolution, China for the first time with the developed countries standing on the same starting line

In the past two decades of the history of the world's industrialization and modernization, we have lost three times the opportunity of the industrial revolution. In the course of the previous two industrial revolutions, China was marginalized and sluggish, declining dramatically. As a result of the loss of industrial revolution, China's GDP accounted for the world's total, down from 1/3 of 1820 to less than 1 in 1950 / 20, backward will be beaten, which is one of the important reasons for the bullying of modern China. After China at the very low level of development, launched the national industrialization, while the first time, the second industrial revolution. Even in the information revolution since the 1980s, we were only lucky enough to be the last train, or a "latecomer", because it became a "catcher" for opening up. But China has succeeded in catching up and has become the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of ICT (information and communication technology), and is becoming a leader. In the 21st century, China for the first time with the United States, the European Union, Japan and other developed countries on the same starting line, in accelerating the information industry revolution at the same time, officially launched and innovative fourth green industrial revolution.

This is a new green industrial revolution, its essence and characteristics, is a substantial increase in resource productivity, economic growth and non-renewable resources, a comprehensive decoupling, and carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions decoupling. Observed from a historical perspective, with an industrial perspective, so that we clearly recognize that the world's fourth industrial revolution, that is, the green revolution has come. China can catch up with the dawn of this revolution, launch period, is not easy, but also lucky.


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