Chinas machinery industry added value growth sustained high steady to good


Since the beginning of 2017, China's machinery industry added value growth continued last year, higher than the national industrial and manufacturing growth trend, growth rate has remained at 10% or more. China's machinery industry in June increased by 10.9% year on year, respectively, higher than the national industrial and manufacturing 4 percentage points and 3.5 percentage points higher than the same period last year 3.1 percentage points over the same period last year.

China Machinery Industry Federation on the 8th revealed that this year China's machinery industry to promote the supply side of the structural reform, to expand the effective supply of the first half of the industry economy to stabilize the situation is more obvious, the main economic indicators growth rate than expected.

In the first half of the year, China's machinery industry focused on monitoring 119 kinds of major products, to achieve year-on-year growth of 94 products, accounting for 79%, of which 45 kinds of products from the previous year down year on year growth. The main product output growth has the following characteristics: First, close to the consumer market products, such as cars, motorcycles, digital cameras, and consumer products related to the processing of plastic processing equipment, cotton processing machinery, agricultural products processing machinery, parking equipment And other products are achieved rapid growth. Second, environmental protection and green manufacturing-related environmental monitoring instrument, water pollution control equipment, solid waste treatment equipment and other products, high-speed growth. Third, with the transformation and upgrading of intelligent manufacturing industry, such as industrial automation instruments, control systems and other growth momentum is good. Fourth, with the infrastructure construction-related engineering machinery products increased significantly, of which excavators increased by more than 70%. Fifth, the national key projects to promote the output of related products to maintain growth, such as power transmission and transformation projects and a new round of rural power grid transformation and upgrading projects to drive power transmission related products to achieve rapid growth.

This year, China's machinery industry, foreign trade growth in the previous year on the basis of a low base was significantly picked up. January-June machinery industry total imports and exports totaled 336.2 billion US dollars, an increase of 8.78%. In the first half of the machinery industry, foreign trade import and export growth from the same period last year fell to year on year growth. 13 major sub-sectors have 12 foreign trade exports to achieve year-on-year growth, including construction machinery and auto industry exports to achieve double-digit growth.

Looking forward to the second half of the year, with the macroeconomic environment to improve and benefit the machinery industry policy gradually implemented, China's machinery industry is expected to maintain a smooth operation trend. Taking into account the higher base factor in the second half of last year, the added value of machinery industry in 2017 is expected to increase by about 8%, the main business income and profit growth of about 8%, foreign trade exports is expected to end for two consecutive years of decline, Negative positive.


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