Quality standards for waste paper recycling


For imported waste paper, the standard is basically clear, but the use of old and new standards on the market will be different. For example, the European waste mixed in the old standard in the standard A2, but in the new version of the standard has been changed to 1.02. Although some of the old and new waste labels slightly different, but in the actual operation of the market will not be almost ambiguous.

Even if the standard is clear, the import of waste paper on the market supply and quality is not static. To the United States as an example, the market in addition to the traditional 3 #, 8 #, 11 #, similar to 6 #, 9 #, 10 #, 12 # level of supply is also more abundant. The source, in addition to the traditional US, Europe, Japan, three major sources, in recent years from Australia, Canada, Mexico, South Korea and other places in the market also occupy a certain share.

In addition, it should be noted that the quality of some of the traditional label due to changes in overseas waste paper recycling model has also undergone some changes, such as the United States waste 8 # report with the problem of reducing the problem is quite common, but China's paper mill on different waste The quality of the paper also changes with the improvement of the technology. The same is the United States waste 8 #, large newsprint factory by Ding technology and equipment are more advanced, 8 # paper quality changes in the fitness is also quite high.

National waste market so far, there is no uniform market uniform standard. The lack of a unified industry standards should be said that the future development of the waste market will have a great deal of constraints.

For the country waste suppliers, there is no standard, the industry threshold is low, many domestic waste paper recycling business, the contractor is still stuck in the small and scattered level, which is likely to cause the waste supply side of the vicious competition. For the paper mill, because there is no uniform standard, each mill needs to set their own receipt standards, and sometimes need to constantly adjust, and the head is difficult to control the quality of different contractors to goods, there is no longer a paper mill The situation of sorting the country waste. These are for the paper mill are additional purchase costs, need to spend considerable manpower and material resources.

In addition, from the national level, the renewable resource recycling industry should be encouraged to develop, the waste paper recycling industry to set a unified standard, in the long run is conducive to the healthy development of the industry.

At present, the country's waste market has been set to have a unified standard conditions? On the actual situation, the conditions have been mature wood. First of all, the domestic waste paper market capacity is quite large, recycling, packaging practitioners are also numerous, and the head of the coastal areas of the market there have been some large-scale, model mature paper contractors, they have the ability, there is a need to set Set and maintain an industry standard.

Second, in the first operation of the market, especially in the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and other mature areas, paper mills receipt standards are not only basically stable, but also convergence trend, especially large paper mills in the local standards will be Small paper mills as a reference. This shows that from the perspective of the mill itself, they also have a unified standard requirements.


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